Terms & Condition

Our terms and conditions page can be updated any time any moment, so stay updated with this page.

We don’t take any responsibility for damage or loss of your property or data.

We don’t force you to buy/purchase/sale anything /any data/ any property. So it is should be your personal choice to make that decision.

Our mentioned link/data/app/software/plugins/Codes, etc. may update/very old/not supported by your device or property/or not applied properly so that’s why it can be not working or damage your property or Leake your data so check before using this information. In those cases you can’t be responsible use. We try our best to avoid those problems but nothing is perfectly secure in this digital world.

Our all posts may update from time to time if there are any errors that appear that are not intentionally done.

We do not guarantee those external 3rd party links/ 3rd party apps/ 3rd party plugin/ 3rd party codes / files we are only trying to provide you better things/ information, but the 3rd party data can be changed any time, so they can be harm you/your property in this case we are not responsible for those Herm. We try our best to stay updated and maintain those but it can happen at any time.

We collect all codes (like javascript, PHP, html, css etc.) From different sources, therefore we try them before publishing it works with us, but sometimes it may not work with you and Herm your property.

We always try our best and follow all the laws, rules, regulation in national and international both ways.

Be gentle: We always expect good behaviour from you. If you find anything wrong with our service or content, please let us know in the Contact section we will review them and try our best to solve that issue. Otherwise, if you use bad language or be rude with our other friend (visitors) On our website We will take strict steps against you.

Spamming: We are 100% genuine website, we never do any spamming with our visitors. If you are here to spamming with us both our site author or friends (visitors) We will take strict action against you. Spamming is provided here.

This List of T&C can be updated any time any moment, so stay updated with this page.